Your Details |
First Name: |
Surname: |
Date of Birth: |
Gender: |
Your Contact Details |
Address Line 1: |
Address Line 2: |
Address Line 3: |
Town\City: |
County: |
Postcode: |
Country: |
Volunteer Mobile Number: |
Volunteer Email Address: |
Volunteer Application
If you wish to volunteer as a member of the medical or clerical teams, you must have made contact with the Head Nurse or Head Chaplain before completing your application. All other volunteers, please select 'general helper'. |
I would like to volunteer as: |
First time general helpers only: have you any previous care experience: |
Stage in life or occupation: |
If you are at school, please state which one: |
Volunteer Compulsory Prerequisites
All volunteers on any activity involving physical care must have completed an introductory first aid course & hold a valid Criminal Records Bureau check. Ideally these will be completed at the OMV training day.
If it is not possible to attend the training day before your activity & you do not have the necessary prerequisites, please contact your activity organiser as soon as possible.
Do you have a valid DBS check? |
Do you have a valid first aid certificate? |
Insurance |
Do you have travel insurance? |
If yes, please enter the following details: | |
Provider Name: |
Provider Contact Number: |
Provider Expiry Date: |
Provider Policy Number: |
Please read the information about your activity on this site if you are unsure of how you will be travelling. The OMV organises transport for most, but not all activities. If no transport is organised by the OMV, please select 'I am travelling independently to and from the activity'. If there is any confusion, your activity organiser will contact you.
How will you be travelling to and from the activity? |
Medical Details
It is imperative you provide all details of any medical conditions and allergies you have and any medication you take. The OMV cannot be held liable for any undisclosed, previously diagnosed condition, which gives rise to illness during the activity. Failure to disclose an existing medical condition could jeopardise your insurance and any future application to take part in an OMV activity. If you are concerned about your ability to take part please contact the Head Nurse. |
Do you have any allergies or other medical conditions? |
If yes, please give details: |
Do you take any medication regularly? |
If yes, please give details: |
Next of Kin |
First Name: |
Surname: |
Relationship: |
Address Line 1: |
Address Line 2: |
Address Line 3: |
Town\City: |
County: |
Postcode: |
Country: |
Daytime phone number: |
Nighttime phone number: |
Email Address: |
Terms & Conditions
All of the OMV's terms and conditions are available to read online, including our refund policy.
I give consent for the OMV to use any photographs of me taken on this activity |
Confirm: |
Once you click 'continue to payment' you will be asked to submit your card details & pay for this activity. You must complete payment in order to successfully submit your application.
However, please be aware that payment does not guarantee you a place on the activity. Some of our activities are oversubscribed and after the application deadline your activity organiser will be in contact to confirm whether or not your application was successful. If you are not successful your payment will be refunded in full as soon as you have heard you are unsuccessful.
For the OMV Activity refund policy, please refer to the OMV Activity Booking Conditions.
Payments by credit card cost the OMV a fair amount more in card processing fees than payments by debit card. Please do help us by paying by debit card if you possibly can.
Standard Cost: |
£600.00 |
Discount code: |